Yoga in Pregnancy
First things first! Is Yoga safe for pregnant women? Absolutely! Yoga is a safe and beneficial practice for Indian women of all ages and backgrounds. Here's why: Rich Tradition: Yoga…
First things first! Is Yoga safe for pregnant women? Absolutely! Yoga is a safe and beneficial practice for Indian women of all ages and backgrounds. Here's why: Rich Tradition: Yoga…
Pregnancy is a happy time for a woman who is looking forward to having a baby. However, no matter what we think, sometimes the excitement and the anxiety of it…
Post-birth; women are the most vulnerable ( Love ) to low self esteem and issues related to body image mainly for the fact that our society wants to believe that…
Winters arrive with not just chill but adds an extra routine of keeping oneself warm and also moisturized. Given the extra care to be taken by expecting mothers -…
Pregnancy changes the body in different ways. Every pregnancy experience is unique in itself. Here are a few pregnancy facts that have been recorded. Did you know this? …
According to Indian Philosophy, it is believed that the unborn baby can hear the mother’s heartbeat when s/he is still in the womb. This impacts the reason why they stop…