Books on Pregnancy
To read is to enter new worlds that help you discover more about yourself. That’s why while preparing for pregnancy or motherhood many of us tend to pick up books…
To read is to enter new worlds that help you discover more about yourself. That’s why while preparing for pregnancy or motherhood many of us tend to pick up books…
Baby movements are a source of joy for the mother for she is beginning to get a feel of the baby. However, new mothers-to-be are unable to comprehend the different…
You must have noticed that when babies are born, the hospital staff or the worried grannies, swaddle them into a cloth to help them retain the warmth of the womb.…
Winters arrive with not just chill but adds an extra routine of keeping oneself warm and also moisturized. Given the extra care to be taken by expecting mothers -…
Cervical cancer is the most common cancer affecting Indian women, cites WHO. It is estimated that approximately 200 women die everyday due to Cervical Cancer in India. What is…
Today is National Mathematics Day. Dr. Ramanujan was a pioneer of Indian Mathematics. Shakuntala Devi was natural with numbers as if she were born with it. Indians have been dealing…
Pregnancy changes the body in different ways. Every pregnancy experience is unique in itself. Here are a few pregnancy facts that have been recorded. Did you know this? …
Bath time is not only a fun time but it has many developmental attributes attached to it. Remember that, babies were used to the water effect in the mother’s womb.…
According to Indian Philosophy, it is believed that the unborn baby can hear the mother’s heartbeat when s/he is still in the womb. This impacts the reason why they stop…
In 1954, it was decided that Universal Children’s Day would be celebrated on the 20th of November, each year. This also marks the anniversary of the date when the declaration…