Bullying and Safety

Parenting has its highs and lows and in a world that is constantly shifting with the geopolitics that’s rampant with migration and immigration woes,  racism can create a world of chaos. In this milieu, when our kids try and survive, it is a battle really but is our kid battle ready? – that’s the question every parent has. 

While children are immediately called ‘innocent’ the fact is that they are human beings whom respect is due and if not given there are greater damage possibilities now and then it becomes big later.

What exactly is bullying?

There is no clear and definite structure to define bullying. This is because it is totally dependent on how the perpetrator is behaving. For ease of explanation, we can broaden it into –

Physical bullying – Pushing, shoving, fighting

Verbal bullying – screaming, cursing, saying undesirable things, spilling secrets deliberately

Emotional bullying – emotional blackmail, threatening, frightening

Online bullying – stalking through emails or chats, emotional bullying online

What causes children to bully?

Gender biases, social norms, fragmented home environments or disjointed attitudes prevailing in home or immediate environment can trigger bullying behaviour. For example, a child may be deprived of something at home and can’t retaliate on parents so tries to act out angrily on his or her peers in school. 

What is a bullying behaviour indicator?

If a child is making fun of others, snatching or throwing others things, pushing or shoving and then fighting without any reason with others or threatening someone emotionally then it is bullying behaviour. 

What must a child do to put a stop to bullying behaviour?

As a parent, it is essential to make children/children at home aware about bullies and their behaviour. It is important to drive the point that bullying is NOT okay. One must not accept anyone’s bullying behaviour. If the child is a victim of such behaviour or saw this behaviour in school or playground, they must immediately report to the authorities – educators, elder siblings and parents (if happening in school) or a security guard or a guardian in vicinity (at playground) and then report to the parents too.  

Children can also share the bullying behavior tips to their classmates and friends and make their own support group that not only gives them confidence to not encourage such behavior but also gives them a sense of security within their school or play settings.

Impress upon the child that bullying is not a good behaviour. It should not be tolerated nor perpetrated. One must stand up against bullying and say “NO”! firmly with confidence. You can check out this link for helpline and support – https://findahelpline.com/in/topics/bullying

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