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Back to School Tactics

असतो मा सद् गमय

तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय

मृत्योर्मा अमृतम गमय 

श्लोक अर्थहे परब्रह्म!मुझे असत्य से सत्य की ओर ले जाओ,

मुझे अज्ञानरूपी अंधकार से ज्ञान रूपी  प्रकाश की ओर ले जाओ 

मुझे मृत्यु से अमरता की ओर ले जाओ 


Sanskrit shlokas begin the day for every student. It is the way for all of us to know that our roots of learning are in our ancient language ie. Sanskrit (among other languages) and we always value the importance of god, learning, enlightenment and truth to the important step of gaining knowledge ie. Schooling

Why are we focusing on Back to School?

When the vacations draw to a close, children have the feeling of not going to school. They might want to avoid the school or would withdraw into their room. Some kids are happy to be back to school and their friends; some kids don’t share the same enthusiasm. Why is this so? This is the reason we are focusing on the back-to-school phase.

Behavior – Some kids as mentioned in the above paragraph are excited to go to school. They have missed their classmates and want to do meet their friends and talk about their exciting summertime. Some kids miss their teachers too and want to return to school. However, there are a few that might not take the back-to-school time well. This gives parents an essential reason as to why the child is behaving in this way. Is it a normal fear of new friends and new school? Or is there something else that the kid is not sharing out of fear? Without being suspicious or direct, parents can smoothly question the child to find out more as to why they are trying to avoid going to school.

Transition – Some kids don’t take the transition phase very easily. For example from primary school to middle school or from middle school to high school. The transition can be an uneasy phase for them. Sit down and have a talk with the child. Find out what’s the pain point in this transition and why the kid is hesitant. It could be something very simple and normal but the child might be thinking it is a totally new and unique situation. Help the child overcome this transition with care. 

Parents were Students too – It is a simple but basic fact that the parents were students themselves. When kids avoid or show hesitation, it gives the parents the opportunity to share about their own school days. It gives the children a kind of empathetic understanding vibe from the parents thereby it can open up ways by which the children start sharing their concerns for school every day.

We hope that the Back to School experience get favourable for the kids. It gives parents a better way to help their child come back to the routine of studies and school schedules also. 

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