Indian Poets – A Tribute

Honouring poets like Shakespeare and Keats is fine, but do you know any Indian poet? Chances are that Indians don’t know much about their own poets except perhaps Kabir. 24 February is celebrated as Sant Ravidas Diwas. 

Ravidas or Raidas (flourished 15th or 16th century) was an Indian mystic poet-saint of the North Indian Bhakti movement. Venerated as a guru in the modern regions of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, and Haryana, he was a poet, social reformer and spiritual figure. 

Ravidas was born in Varanasi as a member of an untouchable leather-working caste, and his poems and songs often revolve around his low social position. While objecting to the notion that caste plays a fundamental role in an individual’s relationship to God, Ravidas contrasted his own lowliness to the exalted place of the divine.

Some 40 of the poems attributed to Ravidas were included in the Adi Granth (“First Volume”), the sacred scripture of Sikhism, and it is generally accepted that Ravidas met Nanak, the first Guru and founder of the Sikh tradition. In the 19th and 20th centuries a new religious movement formed around his figure. A temple was built in his hometown, where he was worshipped; his hymns were recited every morning and night; and his birthday was celebrated as a religious event. His egalitarian teachings made him a figure of veneration and pride among various scheduled classes, or Dalit (as untouchables are now known), social-reform movements of the 20th century.

Some of his poems / dohas –

रैदास प्रेम नहिं छिप सकई, लाख छिपाए कोय। 

प्रेम न मुख खोलै कभऊँ, नैन देत हैं रोय॥ 

भावार्थ:-  रैदास कहते हैं कि प्रेम कोशिश करने पर भी छिप नहीं पाता, वह प्रकट हो ही जाता है। प्रेम का बखान वाणी द्वारा नहीं हो सकता। प्रेम को तो आँखों से निकले हुए आँसू ही व्यक्त करते हैं।

जनम जात मत पूछिए, का जात अरू पात। 

रैदास पूत सब प्रभु के, कोए नहिं जात कुजात॥ 

भावार्थ:- रैदास कहते हैं कि किसी की जाति नहीं पूछनी चाहिए क्योंकि संसार में कोई जाति−पाँति नहीं है। सभी मनुष्य एक ही ईश्वर की संतान हैं। यहाँ कोई जाति, बुरी जाति नहीं है।

If You are a mountain

by Ravidas

English version by Nirmal Dass

If You are a mountain,
then I am a peacock.
If You are the moon,
then I am a partridge.

O Madho, if You break from me,
then I shall break with You.
And if I break from You,
to whom shall I then go?

If You are the lamp,
then I am the wick.
If You are the shrine,
then I am the pilgrim.

My love for You
is true and real.
When I fell in love with You,
I gave up my love for others.

Wherever I go,
there I seek to serve You.
No other god
can be a Master like You.

By praising You,
I cut Yama’s noose.
Yearning for love
Ravi Dass loudly sings.

Seeing the beautiful dohas (couplets) and poems by Sant Ravidas don’t you feel that it is so beautiful seeing the words flow with so much love and meaning?

Let’s discover more Indian Poets and learn about them and their important works.

A few of them are being listed here – 

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