A person keeps learning and growing through life. Reading (Reading and Writing) is one of those habits that add on to this everlasting process of learning. The one who reads lives a thousand lives as he or she goes through a thousand books. They have a wide world in front of them left to explore, a world of words that never ends.
A child develops reading habits at a very early stage. In the beginning it is up to us to keep this hobby going on. The complementary relationship between reading and writing continues long after these early efforts. Therefore, it is good to stress on improving writing skills at a young age itself.
Through a well planned curriculum and carefully crafted books,
children are taught to go through little paragraphs with wild imaginative stories. Their ability to pour in their own imagination, comprehension and picturizing of the text are nurtured as they go through those colorful picture books. The short reading passages have post-reading tasks which allow students to practice basic reading skills such as: skimming, scanning,
predicting and guessing the meaning of words in context.
Relevant grammar structures are taught which help students to write better. Traditional reading strategies such as “predicting, responding, questioning, and visualizing”, all of which are important skills for students to develop and practice, are introduced at the elementary level. The vivid images and overflowing colored descriptions add to the text comprehension that shapes their methods of predicting the text.
Children explore a new world through reading and learn about various topics through it. Fables, moral stories, facts and real life incidents, and as they grow up, the kind of text that interests them evolves and changes. Soon they are able to classify the kind of content that they like, the informative one, fiction, non-fiction, articles, and so on. As Children start understanding step by step formed phrases, they try to use it for their own writings.
(Reading and Writing)
Children learn to write by means of discovery, by actively venturing their own strategies for writing. With any encouragement at all, most children will not hesitate to produce things that they call “writing,” even if they have not been taught to spell words or even how to form letters.
It is important therefore that teachers offer children opportunities and encouragement to engage in writing activities, especially informal ones, early on; even before regular reading, handwriting, and spelling instruction is begun.
We at IPS academy help and train our students to make their text as clear as possible, to present their ideas clearly and concisely and to avoid ambiguity or redundancy. Achieving this becomes easier the more children practice writing and begin to develop their confidence in their writing style.
Our faculties structure their feedback in a way that brings out the positives before going on to talk about any weaknesses. Students need to take a balanced approach – be pleased with the positives, but take any weaknesses seriously and listen to and act on them.
Most children have their own style of creativity. But they don’t really lean toward writing as a means of expressing themselves. If you see that your child has the potential to develop good writing skills, it is better to help them develop these skills at an early age. Hence it’s up to us to introduce them to these very necessary habits and help them explore it.
Here’s what we can do:
- Introduce picture story books so that they develop interest in reading
- Slowly get to know the stories that interest them and go further in reading level
- Provide good writing materials and space to write so that they are able to develop patience for improving their writing
- Provide them workbooks or extra books which help them practice and explore
- Motivate them whenever they feel bad or not in mood
- Encourage them when they make even minor improvement
- Point out the improvement clearly instead of giving vague statements
- Provide them a base for encouragement but don’t compare them with others
- Help them connect with good handwriting experts to learn tricks
- Get them associated with a book club to get book recommendations
- Encourage them to use library (once you are safe and able to move around after the pandemic ends)